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                About Us
                Company Profile

                XALLPIN was established in 2019, and its predecessor was Shanghai Taqian Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd., which was established in 2008.

                The factory covers an area of 2,000 square meters, with 20 professional technical teams and 10 sales teams. Engaged in the development of customer's non-standard equipment and the agent of advanced domestic and foreign semiconductor equipment.

                Since its establishment, the company has developed step by step to become the most influential enterprise in the industry with the widest business scope among similar enterprises. The company advocating the people-oriented principle, the proportion of professional and technical personnel with higher vocational level and above has reached more than 60%, and it has a high-quality professional team. Adhering to professionalism and responsibility is the eternal concept that our company pursues consistently. We hope that through this concept we can provide better products and services continuously. The unique corporate culture provides a stage for a large number of ambitious talents to display their abilities, and work together for common business goals, thus achieving a healthy development situation of win-win for individuals, customers and companies.

                • 2000©O

                  Factory area

                • 20+

                  Technical team

                • 10+

                  Sales team


                Adhering to professionalism and responsibility is the eternal concept that our company pursues consistently, and we hope that through this concept we can continue to provide better quality products and services
