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                Post Number Education Date
                Sales Engineer 5 Undergraduate 2021.01.27 Click on
                Number£º5 Education£ºUndergraduate Date£º2021.01.27

                Job Responsibilities:

                1. Implement sales strategies, develop customers, and complete sales tasks;

                2. Collect market information and propose countermeasures.

                1. Implement sales strategies, develop customers, and complete sales tasks;

                2. Collect market information and propose countermeasures.

                Mechanical Design Engineer 5 Undergraduate 2021.01.27 Click on
                Number£º5 Education£ºUndergraduate Date£º2021.01.27

                Job Responsibilities:

                1. Responsible for the R&D and design of equipment projects;

                2. Make a judgment on the functional organization and independently complete the selection of standard parts and the calculation of design parameters. Collection, sorting, filing, marking of drawings and BOM sorting of related machinery and graphic materials;

                3. Instruct the assembly and debugging technicians to install and debug;

                4. Responsible for solving the technical problems in the equipment operation.

                job requirements:

                1. Bachelor degree (excellent ones can relax), mechatronics, mechanical design and industrial automation and related majors;

                2. Have rich experience in the design of automation equipment;

                3. Proficient in mechanical design, pneumatic hydraulic transmission, etc.;

                4. Proficiency in drawing software, such as 3D, 2D software, etc.;

                5. Experience in designing automation equipment and production lines in the automotive/3C/new energy/medical industry;

                6. Have strong learning ability and work responsibility;

                7. Have good language communication skills and teamwork spirit.

                Electrical Engineer 5 Undergraduate 2021.01.22 Click on
                Number£º5 Education£ºUndergraduate Date£º2021.01.22

                Job Responsibilities:

                1. Develop electrical design plans according to customer needs during project development, and complete electrical detailed design timely and accurately;

                2. In project development, conduct pilot and small batch verification of the designed products, and optimize the design problems in time;

                3. Responsible for the analysis, follow-up and closed loop of various quality problems in the market and production;

                4. Responsible for sorting out products, summarizing product features, and continuously upgrading and optimizing products in terms of performance and cost;

                5. Responsible for writing meaningful classic cases and specifications in project development.

                job requirements:

                1. Bachelor degree or above in electrical engineering and its automation, automation, power electronics and other related majors; more than one year of experience in complete set of electrical related product design, excellent fresh graduates are also available;

                2. Familiar with the relevant standards, design specifications, and process specifications of complete sets of electrical equipment, and familiar with the selection and derating of common electrical components;

                3. Familiar with PROE, CAD drawing software, with independent electrical drawing design ability;

                4. Have good teamwork and communication and coordination skills, and have a certain degree of stress resistance.

                Postsale engineer 5 Undergraduate 2021.01.22 Click on
                Number£º5 Education£ºUndergraduate Date£º2021.01.22


                1. College degree or above, mechatronics or related majors;

                2. Two years of relevant experience in non-standard automation or testing is preferred;

                3. Excellent fresh graduates in mechanical and electrical related majors are also available;

                4. Accept night shift and business travel arrangements;

                Job Responsibilities:

                1. Responsible for the installation and commissioning of on-site equipment;

                2. Undertake on-site maintenance and improvement verification of field equipment, and be responsible for communication and collaboration with customers.